@thesis{thesis, author={Gea Wir Asnitha}, title ={Pengaruh Kombinasi Kotoran Ayam Dan Ampas Sagu Dengan Persentase Yang Berbeda Terhadap Produksi Dan Pertumbuhan Maggot (Hermetia Illucens) Sebagai Alternatif Pakan Ikan}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10371/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of sago pulp and chicken manure with different percentages on the growth and production of maggot so that it can be used as a good alternative feed for fish. In this study, the method used is the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method with 5 treatments 3 replications namely P1: 100% chicken manure, P2: 50 chicken manure + 50% sago pulp, P3: 75% chicken manure + 25 sago pulp, P4 : 25% chicken manure + 75% sago pulp and P5: 100% sago pulp. Eggs obtained from BSF fly culture were placed in a growing medium weighing 0.1 gr. The parameters measured in this study were growth in length, weight, once 7 days and maggot production which was calculated at the end of the study. Other parameters measured as a supporter are living media quality parameters including temperature, humidity, and pH. The results of this study the growth of maggot weight P1: 0.03 gr, P2: 0.07 gr, P3: 0.08 gr, P4: 0.05 gr and P5: 0.04 gr. The results of the growth of maggot length P1: 0.51 cm, P2: 1.12 cm, P3: 1.16 cm, P4: 0.79 cm and P5: 0.53 cm. Daily Growth Rate (SGR) maggot P1: 0.24%, P2: 0.48%, P3: 0.59%, P4: 0.37%, P5: 0.27%. As for maggot production, P1: 28.3 gr, P2: 53.7 gr, P3: 63.7 g, P4: 47.7 g, and P5: 31.0 g. An analysis of maggot protein content was also performed in each treatment P1: 9.36%, P2: 17.50%, P3: 18.90%, P4: 24.67%, and P5: 26.88. While the quality of the media is the average temperature of P1: 270C, P2: 320C, P3: 320C, P4: 310C and P5: 280C. Humidity P1: 80%, P2: 60.7%, P3: 60.6%, P4: 60.9% and P5: 60.9%. For pH P1: 6,2, P2: 7, P3: 7, P4: 6,8 and P5: 6,4.} }