@thesis{thesis, author={Hidayatullah Rezky}, title ={Kontribusi Kecepatan Dan Kelincahan Terhadap Kemampuan Menggiring Bola Pemain Mandiri FC Desa Gading Sari Kecamatan Tapung}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10385/}, abstract={The contribution of speed and agility to the dribbling ability of Mandiri FC players, Gading Sari Village, Tapung District. The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of speed and agility to the dribbling ability of Mandiri FC players in Gading Sari Village, Tapung District. This type of research is correlational research. Pop The population of this research is the 22 players of Mandiri FC in Gading Sari Village, Tapung District. The sampling technique was total sampling, thus the number of samples was 22 people. The instruments used were the 30 meter sprint test, the dogging run test and the soccer dribble test. The data analysis technique is product moment correlation and multiple correlation. The conclusions of this study are: 1) There is a contribution of speed to the dribbling ability of Mandiri FC players in Gading Sari Village, Tapung District with a contribution percentage of 19.8%. 2) There is a agility contribution to the dribbling ability of Mandiri FC players in Gading Sari Village, Tapung District with a contribution percentage of 21.7%. 3) There is a joint contribution of speed and agility to the dribbling ability of Mandiri FC players in Gading Sari Village, Tapung District with a contribution percentage of 27.4%.} }