@thesis{thesis, author={Halimah Aufu}, title ={Hubungan Antara Self Compassion Dengan Resiliensi Pada Mantan Pecandu Narkoba}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10391/}, abstract={Resilience is the ability of individuals to cope with problems and pressure more effectively, the ability to recover from problems, disappointment, and trauma, as well as to be able to develop a goal that is more realistic. Based on previous research on resilience, one of the factors that affect resilience is self-compassion. This study aims to test scientifically the relationship between self-compassion with reseliensi on former drug addicts, the sample in this study is 103 former drug addicts with using technique purposive sampling. The instrument for data collection in this study is the scale of self compassion and the scale of resilience. The research Data were taken using the scale of self compassion and the scale of resilience as well as data analysis using product moment correlation analysis. The results of the data analysis show results koefisian correlation of 0,246 with pvalue = 0,012 (p<0,05) showed that there was a significant relationship between self-compassion with resilience in former drug addicts and the effective contribution of self-compassion against the resilience is 6.0 %} }