@thesis{thesis, author={Nainggolan Enzel Weldy}, title ={Hubungan Antara Budaya Organisasi Dengan Perilaku Kerja Kontraproduktif}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10403/}, abstract={The high rate of counterproductive work behavior among civil servants and non-permanent employees in Indonesia can be seen from the indication of the increasing number of cases related to counterproductive work behavior, such as increased cases of bribery corruption, high levels of delay and absenteeism without permission, frequent arrogant actions in government organizations , and various other forms of work behavior deviation based on the theory of one of the phenomena that influence the high counterproductive work behavior is organizational culture. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between organizational culture and counterproductive work behavior of state civil servants. The population of the research is the employee of the One- Stop Integrated Investment and Public Service Office of Riau Province as many as 100 people. The sampling technique uses saturated techniques. Data collection uses counterproductive work behavior scale of 25 items and organizational culture scale of 23 items, then the data obtained were analyzed using product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of this research analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and counterproductive work behavior, which means that the higher the organizational culture, the higher the counterproductive work behavior done by ASN and vice versa, the lower the level of organizational culture, the lower the counterproductive work behavior performed by ASN. The effective contribution of organizational culture to counterproductive work behavior is 20.6%.} }