@thesis{thesis, author={Harnas Fanny Anggriani}, title ={Gambaran Tingkat Stres Pada Wanita Single Parent Yang Mengikuti Pengajian Di Duri}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10408/}, abstract={Stress is one of the life problems. Stress can also be described as a situation or bad condition that disrupts a person's normal physiological function or can be interpreted as difficulty, misery or suffering. This research aims to describe the stress levels on single parent women who follow Islamic study in Duri. The study is conducted with a quantitative descriptive approach where data collection tool uses scale. The sample in this study is a group of single parent woman with 95 people and determined by saturation sampling technique. Based on the data analysis results with descriptive analysis found the level of stress in single parent women, the majority are in the medium category (38.9%). If it is observed based on the age of single parent women, it is known that age of 41-50 years are dominant in the high category while other dominant ages are in the medium category. If it observed based on the work type, all types of work studied like civil servants, employees, entrepreneurs and IRT shows stress level in the medium category. If it observed based on the number of children, it is known that single parent women who have 5-6 children are dominant in the high category while who have 1-2 and 3-4 children are dominant in the medium category. If observed from the activity of following routine Islamic study, the dominant is in the high category while for sometimes or often category, it is in the medium category.} }