@thesis{thesis, author={Miranda Putri}, title ={Analisis Tari Persembahan Pengantin Di Sanggar Osam Kampung Baru Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10415/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the analysis of the dance offerings of the bride and groom in the Osam Studio, Kampung Baru, Pangkalan Kuras District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. The theory used in this study uses Soedarsono`s (1977) theory. This research uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were oservation, interviews and documentation. In this study, 5 people were used as resource persons, namely 1 dance trainer named Nurfauziah, and 4 dancers named Sayyida nafisa, Elsa Hasni, miftahul Jannah and Ulfa Hutri. This bridal offering dance lasts approximately 5 minutes and has dance elements, namely the motion of woship, the motion of selembayung and the motion of the nine broken limbs, the floor design used is tiangle, forming a V and forming a W, high level dynamics, medium level dynamics and low level dynamics, the theme of welcoming and respecting the bride and groom, the property used is tepak sirih with complete betel utensils in it, the costume used is Malay clotes and crown on the head, the make up used is beautiful make up, lighting is not used in this dance. As for result and conclusions of this study are the authors get more in-dept knowledge and information about the bridal offering dance in the Osam Studio, Kampung Baru, Pangkalan Kuras District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province.} }