@thesis{thesis, author={Andriani Rina}, title ={Analisis Pengembangan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Madu Hutan Tesso Nilo Di Desa Lubuk Kembang Bunga Kabupaten Pelalawan}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10421/}, abstract={This research aims to find out hour the development of Tesco Nilo Forest Honey Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Lubuk Kembang Bunga Village, Pelalawan Regency. The assessment indicators used include Capital, Production, Marketing at Entrepreneurship. This iype of research, located in the village of Lubuk Kembang Bunga, Pelalawan Regenc y, is a qualitative study. The data numbers come from the results of interviews between researchers and informants consisting of one business awner and two employees.The sampling technique used in this study is using purposive sampling. This research data sourced from primary daia obtained through intervie?rs with research informants. Then the secondary data in the from of literature books and the internet according to the data needed. In the analysis of the dat presented in the form ofa wriiien description, which will be analyzed using descriptive or translation reminds. Based or the results of research and research objectives, ii is known that the Anfyiii of Small and Medium Enierprisex (SMES) Tessa Nilo Farest Haney in Lubuk Kembang Bunga Village, Pelalawan Regeuc y, which is evident from the Tesso Nilo Forest Honey business with its own capital because this business is a hereditary and occasional business. get help from various parties through training. BooMeeping is done simply fly a Tesco Nilo Forest Hone y business employee who is a daughter of the Tesso Nilo Forest Howe y business o+rner. Harvesting is not done every time but a certain time, especially in the fruit season. Prodak from the Tesco Nilo Forest Honey business is packaged in 2S0ml boiiles and only in one size. Marketing is done monunffy and directly to consumers in the beginning until now there has been a special network that markets these products. In ierms of entrepreneurship, the Tesso Nilo Forest Hone y business is supposed by the existence of UMKM trainings and exhibitions in the development of communitybusinesses.} }