@thesis{thesis, author={Rahayu Widya Shania}, title ={Apresiasi Masyarakat Terhadap Tari Olang-Olang Di Desa Mandi Angin Kecamatan Minas Kabupaten Siak}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10422/}, abstract={The purpose of the study was to determine the community?s appreciation of the Olang-olang dance in Minas sub-district, Siak district, this study used researchdescriptive by using qualitative methods. The collection technique used is non participant observation. The interview conducted was a structured interview, namely an interview in the form of directed questions and answers to collect some date that was examined structured interviews were used as a data collection techbique. If the researcher or data collection has known with certainty about the information what will be obtained. The researcher used structured interviews, the interviews were arranged in the form of question that were quite clear and very complete. And while the documentation that the researchers got was in the form of photos of people watching the olang-olang dance. The subjects in this study were 9 people, namely: 1 chairman, Mr. Darus, 1 Darsat. 1 vowed musicians Khairul. 6 people Busli,Miftahul, Syukri,Riki,Kevin, dan Leman. This olang-olang dance is a dance used by the Minas community, especially the Mandi Anginvillage with a medicinal dance, the community believes that if there is a family who is sick, first aid is a shaman or called bomo. The local community responds well about the arts that exist in their community, the results of the research that the author conducted show the custums and cultural values in the olang-olang dance in the Minas community, Mandi Angin village.} }