@thesis{thesis, author={Natalia Yopi}, title ={Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Karyawan Perkebunan}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10432/}, abstract={Employee performance is a level of achievement to realize the company. This study aims to factors affecting employe performance at PT. Plantations of V PKS Sei Galuh .Indicators of employee performance include work motivation, work discipline and work satisfaction. The type of research used was descriptive research, that is the assement used to figure out the value of independent variable, either one variable or more (independent) without making comparison or connecting between variables one with other variables. The population in this study consists of 43 people while the sample consists of 30 employee. The technique used in this research is simple random sampling, it is a technique of taking sample members from a random population without regard to strata that exist in that population. Types and data collection technique used consisted of primary data,obtained directly from the respondents by using questionnaries and secondary data collected using observation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is descriptive method. Based on this analysis factors affecting employee performance at PT. Plantations of V PKS Sei Galuh are at a fairly good assement interval. Recommendations that need to be considered especially with regard to employee performance, in order to increase employee work discipline by increasing attendance, adherence to work regulations, adherence to work standars, and increased levels of clearance in order to improve employee performance.} }