@thesis{thesis, author={Siallagan Desra}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Inflasi, PDRB, dan Upah Minimum Terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Di Kota Pekanbaru}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/10439/}, abstract={This research was conducted in Pekanbaru City. The objectives of this study are: 1) To determine the effect of inflation on employment in Pekanbaru City; 2) To determine the effect of GRDP on employment in Pekanabaru City; 3) To determine the effect of the Minimum Wage on employment in Pekanbaru City. The type of data used in this study is secondary data in the form of annual quantitative figures from 2008 to 2018. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis methods and uses several tests, namely the statistical test and the classical assumption test. Data processed using Eviews 9. From the results of this study note that: 1) Inflation does not significantly influence labor absorption in Pekanbaru City; 2) GRDP significantly and positively influences employment absorption in Pekanbaru City; 3) Minimum Wage has a significant and positive effect on employment in Pekanbaru City.} }