@thesis{thesis, author={Erma Erma}, title ={Pengembangan Perangakat Pembelajaran Dengan Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Pada Materi Bilangan Pecahan Di Kelas VII SMPN 005 Siak Hulu}, year={2016}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9392/}, abstract={This study aims to produce a product in the form of a learning kit with the Realistic Mathematical Education Approach (PMR) on Fractional Numbers material in class VII of SMPN 005 Siak Hulu in the 2016/2017 school year, totaling 30 students. While the object of research is the mathematics learning device. The development of learning tools in this study uses a 4-D development model that is modified into 3 stages namely, (1) define, (2) design, (3) develov. Data collection techniques used in this study were validation sheets, student response sheets, feasibility sheets. Data collection techniques in this study were validation data from a team of experts (lecturers and teachers) and student questionnaire responses. The data analysis technique was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner, in which the researcher made revisions based on the notes from the validator to determine the level of validity of the device being developed. And then a trial was carried out at 005 Siak Hulu Middle School class V11 to find out students' responses to the developed LAS. From the research results obtained the percentage of the level of validity of the RPP is 83.33% with the criteria quite valid, and the percentage of the validity level of the LAS is 82.81% with the criteria quite valid, while the practicality level of the device developed for the implementation of learning 89.06% with very practical criteria , and for the percentage of student questionnaire responses to LAS that is 89.05% with very practical criteria So it can be concluded that learning with the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach (PMR) on the material fractions of class VII SMPN 005 Siak Hulu is valid and practical.} }