@thesis{thesis, author={Sari Rheta Puspita}, title ={Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Dengan Metode Penemuan Terbimbing Pada Materi Segiempat Di Kelas VII MTS Pondok Pesantren KH. Ahmad Dahlan}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9416/}, abstract={This research aims to develop and produce devices valid and practical mathematics learning. The device developed is in the form of a syllabus, Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), and Student Worksheet (LKPD) with guided discovery method. The form of research is Research and Development Development (R&D) that the researchers modified according to the research, namely: (1) Potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) Product design; (4) Design validation; (5) Design revisions; (6) Trial product; (7) Product revision; (8) Final product. Product trials were carried out in class VII with the number of students is 24 people. The research data collection instrument was the validation instrument and practicality instruments such as teacher response questionnaire, student response questionnaire and questionnaire implementation of teacher and student learning. The research data collection technique is a technique filling out validation and practicality sheets. The data analysis technique of this research is analysis validity and practicality. Based on the research results obtained by the validity of the syllabus of 80.2% with a fairly valid level of validity, the results of the validity of the RPP of 81.2% a level of validity valid enough, and the validity of the LKPD of 80.5% is quite valid. Results RPP practicality of 89.2% with a very practical level of practicality and results LKPD practicality of 95.3% with a very practical level of practicality, while the average the results of the implementation of teacher learning by 85.4% with very practical criteria as well the average student learning outcomes obtained an average of 87.6% with very practical criteria. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the research the development produces mathematical learning devices with the discovery method guided in quadrilateral material in class VII that tested its validity and practicality.} }