@thesis{thesis, author={Karlina Yeni}, title ={Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Snow Balling Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VII.2 MTS Teluk Dalam}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9428/}, abstract={This study aims to determine whether the application of active type learning models Snow Balling can improve learning outcomes and improve the learning process Mathematics students of class VII 2 MTs Teluk Dalam. The subjects of this study consisted of students class VII 2 , amounting to 24 people consisting of 17 male students and 7 students women. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) consisting of 2 cycle. Data collection instruments consisted of observation sheets and test results sheets student learning that has been analyzed. Furthermore the data analysis technique used in This research is in the form of descriptive data analysis with qualitative data analysis and data analysis quantitative. Based on the observation sheet at each meeting shows that an increase in the learning process at the first meeting in the first cycle and last meeting in cycle II. Based on student learning outcomes, improvement in results learning can be seen from the number of students who reach the KKM on the basic score of 5 students or 21%, daily tests I are 9 students or 38%, and daily tests II are 15 students or 63%. So it can be concluded that the application of active type learning models Snow Balling can improve learning outcomes and improve the learning process Mathematics students of class VII 2 MTs Teluk Dalam.} }