@thesis{thesis, author={Dewi Nadya Tiara}, title ={Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Seni Budaya (Tari Kreasi Baru) Melalui Model Discovery Learning Di Kelas XI MIPA I SMA Handayani Pekanbaru TA.2018/2019}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9454/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the implementation of art and culture learning (new dance creation) through discovery learning models in class XI MIPA I of SMA Handayani Pekanbaru. The form of this research is a form of descriptive analysis research using a qualitative approach. Data in the form of actions and results through Observation, Documentation and interview activities at Pekanbaru Handayani High School. The subjects of this study were a Handayani Cultural High School art teacher and Pekanbaru Handayani High School students. Data collection techniques that the authors use are Observation techniques, documentation techniques and interview techniques. In the Implementation of Learning Cultural Arts (new Creative Dance), the writer uses discovery learning models. In the implementation of learning arts and culture (new dance creation) there are several steps, namely, Preparation (RPP and Syllabus), Submission, Training and Appearance. In the preparation steps Syllabus is provided by the central government and the RPP is compiled by the Arts and Culture teacher. In the implementation of learning art and culture (new dance creation) there are 7 meetings face to face. This dissellation learning model is useful for creating a new atmosphere in learning and making students more active not passive (Student Dominated)} }