@thesis{thesis, author={Nofriadi Ridho Kodrat}, title ={Pemanfaatan Limbah Cangkang Udang Sebagai Biokoagulan Dalam Pengolahan Air Terproduksi}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9503/}, abstract={Produced water contains chemical properties in the form of salt, oil and fat as well as inorganic and organic compounds that can damage the environment if not treated. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of chitosan from shrimp shells as a treatment for produced water using the jar-test method to improve the water content produced by performing several tests on Oil and grease, turbidity, COD and water pH. In this study using experimental methods and the stages of the research method carried out are literature studies. This study used shrimp shell chitosan that had been processed using a solution of 3.5% NaOH, 80% and HCl. The research process of making chitosan from shrimp shells is divided into 4, namely preparation, deproteination, demineralization, deacetylation with small-scale testing. Based on the test results of a coagulationflocculation process using a coagulant from shrimp shell chitosan can reduce some of the tests carried out. Oil and grease from the process before the jar-test by 7 mg/L decreased to <5 mg/L at the addition of a concentration of 1 gram, 1.5 grams and 2 grams, then the turbidity which was initially 8.68 NTU decreased to 2.93 NTU for the addition of 1 gram of chitosan, 1.5 grams; 2.58 NTU, 2 grams; 2.51 NTU, then Chemical Oxygen Demand which was originally 365.2 mg/L decreased to 1 gram of chitosan addition of 257.7 mg/L, 1.5 grams; 221.3 mg/L, 2 grams; 198.5 mg/L, then Power of Hydrogen (pH ) whose initial value was 9.43 after the addition of 1 gram of chitosan decreased to 8.5, 1.5 grams; 8.1, 2 grams;8.} }