@thesis{thesis, author={Nasution Asrul}, title ={Kontribusi Explosive Power Otot Tungkai Terhadap Kecepatan Lari Sprint 50 Meter Pada Siswa Kelas V SDIP YLPI Pekanbaru}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9536/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine the contribution of leg muscle explosive power to the 50 meter Sprint running speed of the fifth grade students of YLPI Pekanbaru. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study is the population in this study is the fifth grade students of YLPI Pekanbaru Elementary School, amounting to 31 male students and 32 girls. The sample technique in this study was purposive sampling where students were only taken from male students so the number of samples was 31 students. From calculations using the formula product moment correlation, the following values are obtained: r count of 0.629. The value of r table at n = 31 or df = 29 (5%) is 0.355. The comparison results are obtained under r count> r table or 0.629> 0.355. The coefficient of determination is 39.6%. The conclusion of this research is that there is a contribution of explosive power in leg muscles and the speed of Sprint running 50 meters in grade V students of SDIP YLPI Pekanbaru by 39.6%.} }