@thesis{thesis, author={Rizal Fahrul}, title ={Tinjauan Kondisi Fisik Atlet Panahan Kabupaten Bengkalis}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9565/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine the level of physical condition of archery athletes in Bengkalis Regency. The types of this research is desecriptive researchby using the population of all archery atheletes in Bengkalis regency with the amount of population reaching 12 people. This research used total sampling technique to collect the data. It means this research took all of the population as the sample so the amount of the sampel was 12 people. This research used some instruments such as Leg Dynamometer test, Hand Dynamometer test, Back dynamometer test, Pull-up test, Wall Squat test, and 15 minutes running (VO2 Max). After the data had been collected, Itwas processed statistic mothod, with percentage formula and referred to the assessment standard. Based on the result of the research that had been condurted, it could be concluded. That the physical condition of male archery atheletes of Bengkalis regency. In 2019 was in bad category with the percentage 58,33%.} }