@thesis{thesis, author={Taufiq Imam}, title ={Hubungan Tingkat Kesegara Jasmani Dengan Prestasi Belar Siswa Kelas XI IPS 1 SMAN 1 Lubuk Dalam Kabupaten Siak Sri Indrapura}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9579/}, abstract={In observations that researchers have done in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Dalam students in class XI IPS 1 get the average results obtained kkm. For indoor learning, many students excuse themselves to wash their faces, at the end of learning many students look lethargic, marked by drowsiness, and are not enthusiastic in learning. In learning in the field students are not able to finish learning with the specified time, because many are easily tired and take shelter even though there are still hours. The researcher views that physical fitness has not been very good, when viewed from the scores obtained by students both theory and practice in the field owned by the average standard kkm. While the value of minimum completeness criteria (KKM) at school is 73. The type of research conducted by the correlational method, which compares the measurement results of two different variables in order to deternrine the level of relationship between these variables correlation techniques are used to find relationships and prove the hypotheses of relations of two data variables in the form of intervals or ratios and data sources of two or more variables are the same. Based on the results of research and analysis of research data that has been carried out it can be concluded that the level of physical fitness has no relationship with academic learning achievement in XI IPS 1 grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk in Siak Sri Indrrapura Regency but statistically it has a contribution of0.09%.} }