@thesis{thesis, author={Anggreana Yuni Rafina}, title ={Inovasi Pemerintah Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Smart Card Bukti Lulus Uji Elektronik)}, year={2021}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9725/}, abstract={This research aims to describe Government Innovation at the Pekanbaru City Transportation Service. The KIR book has a very important role in every vehicle operation, both public and private. The main function of the book is to ensure the safety of vehicles for commercial and business operations. The development of technology and information that continues to grow rapidly at this time requires all public services to make breakthrough innovations such as smart cards that will replace the function of the KIR book. The implementation of this Smart Card is based on the Director General of Land Transportation Number: KP 1742/AJ 502/DRJD/2020 concerning guidelines for issuing proof of passing the periodic test of motorized vehicles electronically. The method used in this study is a qualitative method as well as data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews and documentation techniques. As for the subjects contained in the study, namely one key informant and three informants. From the results of research on Government Innovation at the Pekanbaru City Transportation Office, it can be seen from four indicators according to Everett M. Rogers, namely the idea of innovation has been implemented, communication channels have been implemented, the time period is appropriate, and the social system has been implemented well.} }