@thesis{thesis, author={Meifiani Nur}, title ={Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Prodi Ekonomi Syariah Universitas Islam Riau}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9804/}, abstract={The current development era requires us to be more critical when adapting to the community environment. Technological, social and economic developments greatly influence the welfare of the community, especially in meeting the needs of life. The high level of unemployment is an obstacle in advancing the economy, besides the availabiliy of jobs is very limited. So, the solution to overcome this problem can be done by doing entrepreneurship. The problem formulation of this study is whether personal, social, environmental, and motivational factors influence the entrepreneurial interest of Islamic Economics students in Islamic University of Riau (UIR). The study aims to investigate the influence of personal, social, environmental, and motivational factors on entrepreneurial interest of Islamic Economics students in Islamic University of Riau. The type of this study is field research. The research method is quantitative. Data sources are primary and secondary data. The sample is 76 students of Islamic Economics major, Islamic University of Riau. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling. Data collection techniques used are questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS for Windows Version 24.0. The results of this study show that the partial test has a significant influence of personal, social, environmental and motivational factors on the entrepreneurial interest of Islamic Economics students in Islamic University of Riau. The correlation coefficient value is 79.4%, so it has a strong relationship. The five independent variables have a significant influence on entrepreneurial interest, it can be seen from the Fcount is greater than Ftable (30,214> 2.74). In conclusion, there is an influence of the five variables X on variable Y. The coefficient of determination is 60.9% and the remaining 39.1% is influenced by other variables not included in this study. So, the five independent variables (X) are proven to influence the entrepreneurial interest with a strong relationship.} }