@thesis{thesis, author={Yanti Masa Putri}, title ={Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Mengembangkan Akhlak Peserta Didik Di SMP N 2 Ukui Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9812/}, abstract={A strategy is a method or steps that have been planned. A teacher is the spearhead of learning process because it is s/he who interacts directly with students in class. Morality is a trait that is inherent in a person and it becomes someone?s identity. The phenomenon of students? morals at SMPN 2 Ukui district Pelalawan regency is very alarming. Based on the problems, the formulation of this study is the strategies of Islamic studies teachers in developing students? morals at SMPN 2 Ukui district. The type of this study is qualitative, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The subject of this study is 2 informants who are Islamic studies teachers. Based on the results of study and data analysis, it can be concluded that the strategies of Islamic studies teachers in developing students? morals as follows: (1). Exemplary, by instilling positive attitudes and treatment to students such as how to dress and speak politely and nicely (2). Habituation, by getting used to behave politely to the teachers and other students such as how to shake hands and kiss the teachers? hands (3). Advice, by giving advice on cleanliness such as throwing trash in its place (4) Suggestions, by inviting students in terms of goodness, such as praying on time (5). Practice, by always practicing good remarks, such as respect for parents, teachers and friends (6). Familiarizing in Positive Thinking, by inviting students to always think positively to get used to it (7). Giving praise, by giving encouragement with words of praise. Through the implemetation of these strategies done by the Islamic studies teachers, it can be concluded that the students? morals can be developed properly.} }