@thesis{thesis, author={Rohmah Siti Nur}, title ={Pengaruh Tujuan Strategi Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terhadap Keaktifan Belajar Peserta Didik Pada Mata Pelajaran Al-Qur'an Hadits Di MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.uir.ac.id/9815/}, abstract={Learning activeness is all activities carried out in the process of interaction (teachers and students) in order to achieve learning goals. However, problems in learning activeness still often occur, such as: there are still many students who do not participate actively in carrying out the learning tasks and they are also reluctant to get involved in problem solving, whereas those are contrary to the signs of students? learning activeness. The problem formulation of this study is whether there is an influence of goals in inquiry learning strategy on students? learning activeness. This study aims to investigate the influence of goals in inquiry learning strategy on students? activeness in learning the subject of Al-Qur'an Hadith in class X at MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. The type of study is correlational quantitative research. The population of this study is the 203 students of class X and 51 samples are taken. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires and documentation. Based on the results of study, it is concluded that there is an influence of goals in inquiry learning strategy on students? activeness in learning the subject of Al-Qur'an Hadith at MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. The correlation coefficient (R) of 0.711 or 71.1% which is involved in the range 0.60 - 0.799, so the relationship between inquiry learning strategy and learning activeness is strong. While the value of influence of the goals in inquiry learning strategy on learning activeness based on the R-Squared value is 0.506 or 50.6% and the remaining 49,4% is influenced by other factors.} }