@thesis{thesis, author={Rosalina Lola Yohana}, title ={Hubungan Kejang Demam Kompleks dengan Kejadian Epilepsi pada Balita di RSUD Budhi Asih Periode 2017-2019}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.uki.ac.id/8333/}, abstract={Kejang pada anak usia 6-60 bulan akibat peningkatan suhu tubuh dan bukan oleh penyebab intrakranial disebut kejang demam. Kejang demam, khususnya kejang demam kompleks (KDK), berisiko menyebabkan berbagai kelainan, salah satunya epilepsi. Epilepsi ialah kondisi kejang berulang tanpa induksi yang terjadi lebih dari sekali dalam waktu 24 jam atau lebih tanpa penyebab spesifik. Kejang demam yang lama dan berulang menyebabkan terbentuknya fokus epileptikus pada lobus temporalis yang dapat mencetuskan bangkitan epilepsi dengan/tanpa disertai demam. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menilai hubungan antara KDK dengan epilepsi pada balita di RSUD Budhi Asih periode 2017-2019 dengan menggunakan desain analisis observasional dan pendekatan retrospektif cross sectional study berbasiskan data sekunder rekam medis. Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil terbanyak pada kelompok usia 13-24 bulan sebanyak 38 balita (29,5%), jenis kelamin laki-laki sejumlah 82 balita (63,6%), dan epilepsi tanpa riwayat kejang demam sebanyak 68 balita (52,7%). Pada anak dengan riwayat kejang demam, ditemukan terbanyak pada jenis KDK sebanyak 38 balita (62,3%). Berdasarkan uji chi square mengenai hubungan riwayat kejang demam terhadap epilepsi diperoleh hasil p = 0,032 dan OR = 2,306 dan mengenai hubungan jenis kejang demam terhadap epilepsi diperoleh hasil p=0,022 dan OR=4,447. Hubungan bermakna ditemukan antara riwayat kejang demam dengan kejadian epilepsi pada balita (OR = 2,306) dan riwayat KDK dengan kejadian epilepsi pada balita (OR = 4,447)./ Seizures in a 6-60-month-old child that are caused by elevated body temperature rather than intracranial causes are called febrile seizures. Febrile seizure, especially complex febrile seizure (CFS) have a risk of causing various abnormalities, one of which is epileptic. Epilepsy is a condition of repeated convulsions without induction that occurs more than once within 24 hours or longer with no specific cause. Prolonged and repeated fevers cause the formation of an epileptic focus on the temporal lobe that can secrete the onset of epilepsy with or without accompanied by fever. This study uses a retrospective cross- sectional study approach based on observational analysis design and secondary medical record data to determine the relationship between CFS and epilepsy in toddlers at the Budhi Asih District Public Hospital between 2017 and 2019. Based on the study, the most results were obtained in the 13-24 month age group of 38 toddlers (29.5%), male sex accounted for 82 toddlers (63.6%), and epilepsy without a history of fever seizure as many as 68 toddlers (52.7%). Of the children with a history of febrile seizures, 38 toddlers (62.3%) were identified as having the most CFS types. Based on the chi square test for the association between the history of febrile seizures and epilepsy, the results are p = 0.032 and OR = 2.306, and for the association between febrile seizure type and epilepsy, the results are p = 0.022 and OR = 4.447. There was a significant association between the history of febrile seizures with the incidence of epilepsy in toddlers (OR = 2,306) and the history of CFS with the incidence of epilepsy in toddlers (OR = 4,447).} }