@thesis{thesis, author={LIHANSYAH NIM. 412014051}, title ={ANALISIS PRODUKSI DAN PENDAPATAN USAHTANI KARET MENGGUNAKAN PISAU TARIK DAN PISAU DORONG DI DESA JERMUN KECAMATAN PAMPANGAN KABUPATEN OGAN KOMERING ILIR}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.um-palembang.ac.id/id/eprint/10045/}, abstract={LIHANSYAH. Comparative analysis of production and income of rubber farming to make a knife to pull and push knives in the village of Jermun District compensation District of Ogan Komering Ilir (Guided by SUTARMO ISKANDAR and YULLIAH PEROZA) This research was conducted to know the income of rubber farming to make a knife and use a push knife and also to know how much of the comparison of rubber farming in the blade and use the research knife conducted in the village Jermun District Pampangan Ogan Komering Ilir in August to October 2019.The method of study used is the survey method of the sample withdrawal method used in this research is a disproportionate stratified random sampling, which is a sampling technique performed when the nature or element in the population is not homogeneous and berstrata in less or not proportional number of rubber farmers who intercepts using a pull knife and use a thrust knife in the village of Jermun as many 220 as The number of farmer instances will be divided into two layers of layer I and layer II. Where layer I is a rubber farmer that is way of tapping using a drag knife and layer II is a rubber farmer who intercepts using a push knife.The results showed that the production of rubber farmers in the village of Jermun District Pampangan Ogan Komering Ilir by farmers examples of the blade of the drag and farmer examples of a push knife. The production of rubber farmers used a thrust knife of 1,114.17 kg/lg/mo and the average production of rubber farmers using a pull knife in the village of Jermun District compensation District, Ogan Komering Ilir, 1,253.33 kg/lg/mo and the income of farmers for example using a thrust of knife Rp. 4.839.344, 45. Meanwhile, the example of farmer income using pull knife of Rp. 5,687,534.72 Rp/Lg/mo} }