@thesis{thesis, author={NOVA ARIYANTO NIM. 422015011}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PUPUK ORGANIK KOTORAN AYAM DAN PEMANGKASAN CABANG TERHADAP PRODUKSI TANAMAN SEMANGKA ( Citrullus vulgaris)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.um-palembang.ac.id/id/eprint/8793/}, abstract={SUMMARY NOVA ARIYANTO. The influence of giving fertilizer organic dirt chicken and pemangkasan branches against the growth and the production of plants watermelon. (Citrillus vulgaris.). ( guided By ERNI HAWAYANTI and GUSMIATUN). This study implemented two know and determine the effect of giving fertilizer organic dirt father and pemangkasan branches against the growth and the production of plants watermelon (citrullus vulgaris). This study has inplemented in the village bandarjaya district air sugihan district ogan komering ilir. Research carried out in October ? November 2019. Methods used in this study is split plot with 2 factors, namely fertilizer organic dirt chicken and pemangkasan branches, against 12 combination with the treatment each treatment consisting of 3 repitition, so that there are 27 an experiment there are 12 plants with 3 plans samples. As for the perlakuanya takaran fertilizer organic dirt chicken, K1 = 10 tons/hectares, K2 = 20 tons/hectares, K3 = 30 tons/hectares and pemangkasan branches, P0 = without pemangkasan, P1 = pemangkasan primary branches, P2 = pemangkasan secondary branches. Peubah ofserved in this study is long plants (m), long plants (hst), the wight of the fruit per pkants(kg), the weight of the fruit neveswath (kg). Based on the result of research suggests that treatment interaction fertilizer organic dirt chicken with takaran 30 tons/hectares and pemangkasan brancesh primary and secondary produce the production of the weight of the fruit swath 44,27, equevalent 59,026 tons/hectares Keyword : The influence of giving fertilizer organic dirt chicken and branches against the growth and the production of plants watermelon. (Citrillus vulgaris.).} }