@thesis{thesis, author={Rivai Sulis Pramutia}, title ={HUBUNGAN POSISI KERJA DENGAN NYERI PUNGGUNG BAWAH PADA PENGRAJIN KERAWANG DI DESA MONGOLATO}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1265/}, abstract={Working position is the position of a person's body when doing work, if inappropriate work positions carried out by craftsmen can cause complaints such as lower back pain. The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between working positions and lower back pain in Kerawang craftsmen in Mongolato Village. This type of research uses research quantitative with cross sectional design, population of 84 respondents in the village Mongolato, research sample of 45 respondents, determined by technique purposive sampling, the statistical test used was Chi-Square, instrument research, namely a questionnaire. The research results show that the working position of para craftsmen can trigger lower back pain and obtained a pvalue= 0.009<0.05. Based on the results of the analysis of 45 respondents, it is known craftsmen who have a low risk working position experience back pain under 6 respondents, of which 5 respondents had mild lower back pain, and 1 respondents with moderate low back pain. Risk work position is experiencing 32 respondents had lower back pain, of which 14 respondents had back pain mild lower back pain, and 18 respondents had moderate lower back pain. Working position 7 respondents had a high risk of experiencing lower back pain, of which 6 respondents with moderate low back pain, and 1 respondent with pain high lower back. The conclusion of the research is that there is a relationship between positions work with lower back pain in filigree craftsmen. Advice from This research shows that kerawang craftsmen should pay attention to their work position what is good and right by stretching the muscles.} }