@thesis{thesis, author={Liputo Mat}, title ={ANALISIS HUKUM PEMBUKTIAN DUGAAN TINDAK PIDANA PENCURIAN LISTRIK}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1296/}, abstract={Cases of electricity theft actually occur in all jurisdictions of Indonesia. This can be seen clearly in criminal news published in various mass media. However, the legal handling of electricity theft cases is generally resolved by PLN by mediation through the application of administrative sanctions. Criminal Law, the handling of electricity theft cases becomes interesting because if applied like a regular theft case, it will be constrainedat the proof stage. This is of course because of the status of the material form of the object of the case, namely electricity which is actually qualified as an intangible object. Therefore, the legal handling of criminal for this casecan not only be through the application of the criminal article of theft in general, but must be specific. The approach method used in this research is a normative juridicalapproach and is descriptive analytical. The study used secondary data obtained from primary and secondary legal materials. The results of the study are expected to be a legal reference for law enforcement in handling the crime of electricity theft as well as an evaluation material for relevant stakeholders.} }