@thesis{thesis, author={Usman Sirikit A.}, title ={THE BEHAVIOR OF ALYSSA IN NOVEL “DRY” BY NEAL SHUSTERMAN & JARROD SHUSTERMAN (A STUDY BURRHUS FREDERIC SKINNER’S PSYCHOLOGY)}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1301/}, abstract={Skinner in his study rejects the personal form from an internal point of view because it is speculative. Therefore everything is due to the influence of the environment, especially regarding reinforcement and punishment. The researcher uses the novel "Dry" by Neal Shusterman & Jarrod Shusterman as one of the research materials where the focus is on the character Alyssa as the focus of research. The purpose of this research is to get Alyssa's behavior from stimulus and response based on Burrhus Frederic Skinner's psychological study. The type of method used is content analysis which is relevant to the type of research, which is qualitative. The results found 17 stimuli that contain reinforcement and punishment and 17 responses based on stimuli that have been recorded. In conclusion, based on the stimulus and response seen, Alyssa has a clever behavior, obedient to parents, can be cooperated with, optimistic, able to lead, alertss, forgiving, protecting, fighting others, stealing, violence and indifference. Keywords: Behavior, Skinner, Stimulus, Reinforcement ,Punishment, and Response} }