@thesis{thesis, author={Monix Agnestasya}, title ={ANALYSIS OF MYTHS IN THE FILM “LUCA” BY ENDRICO CASAROSA}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1309/}, abstract={This study analyzes the myths in Casarosa?s film ?Luca? by using qualitative methods and Barthes theory. The technique of collecting data is through the script of the film. The techniques of analyzing data are through Miles & Huberman: data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study show there are two myths exist in the film: the myths among fish-men and the myths among humans. The myths among fish-men consist of 14 data, whereas, the myths among humans consist of 12 data. As the conclusions, a belief which exists in the society will lead to the existence of myths, in which at the same time they will bring some impacts toward the people?s culture and trusts. As the suggestions, it is expected that this study will become an information and reference to other researchers who are interested in observing and developing the study of myths in literary works such as film, or other types such as poetry and novel. This research has limitations that the scope used only covers the stage of analyzing myths in films, meanwile, the myths that have been generated in the film cannot be adapted to the lives of people in the real world.} }