@thesis{thesis, author={Tiopo Miranda Outri Damayanti}, title ={HUBUNGAN EFIKASI DIRI DENGAN KEMANDIRIANAKTIVITAS SEHARI-HARIPADA PASIEN STROKE RAWAT JALAN DI RSUD PROF. DR. H. ALOEI SABOE KOTA GORONTALO PROVINSI GORONTALO}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1456/}, abstract={Stroke is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is cut off due to blockage or rupture of blood vessels, resulting in the death of cells in some areas of the brain. The study aimed to identify the relationship between self-efficacy and independence of daily activities in stroke patients. The method used in this study is a cross-sectional approach where data collection is carried out simultaneously. The population was 647, and the sample taken using the Slovin formula was 86 respondents. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling technique, which follows the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The statistical analysis used was Pearson Chi-square bivariate analysis. The results obtained from the Pearson chi-square test showed that the Sig value = 0.000. Conclusion There was a relationship between self-efficacy and independence of daily activities in stroke patients. It is hoped that the hospital will be able to provide innovative nursing services in health services at the polyclinic.} }