@thesis{thesis, author={Polihito Rahmat}, title ={PERAN SATGAS ANTI BULLYING DALAM MEMINIMALISIR TINDAK KEKERASAN (VERBAL) DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH SWASTA IMAM SYAFI’I KECAMATAN TELAGA KABUPATEN GORONTALO}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1680/}, abstract={The aim of this research is to determine the role of the Anti-Bullying Task Force in minimizing acts of violence (verbal) at the Imam Syafi'I Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Telaga District, Gorontalo Regency. This research uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative research type. And samples were taken using the Stratified Random Sampling technique and the sample size was 9 respondents.The data collection process was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The task force in the field of education and bullying services, carries out a form of prevention to minimize students, which places greater emphasis on providing advice at every morning assembly and dhikr, providing motivation and advice before starting learning, and providing education on the dangers of bullying carried out by the homeroom teacher before and after learning. The handling task force seeks to minimize acts of violence, especially verbal violence, by using methods of providing advice that are motivating, educational and then providing sanctions if students continue to repeat actions that lead to bullying, but provided that the sanctions given have been agreed upon by the students and of course not physical harm to the perpetrator.The role of the post-traumatic treatment task force in minimizing acts of verbal violence is more emphasized on providing encouragement and motivation to students who experience verbal violence (victims), such as providing motivation and telling students to put up resistance, but not physical resistance but resistance through words.The results of the research show that by giving advice gently, it can have a positive impact on students, so that they can do better and avoid actions that lead to bullying. This can be seen from the research results obtained in the field, namely that students have started to report acts of bullying that occur and the acts of bullying that occur in madrasas have begun to decrease.} }