@thesis{thesis, author={H. Ibrahim Karmila}, title ={GAMBARAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TENTANG PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN SPIRITUAL PASIEN DI RUANG RAWAT INAP DI RSUD DR.M.M. DUNDA LIMBOTO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/178/}, abstract={Description of Knowledge Level about Fulfillment of Patient's Spiritual Needs in In patient Room at RSUD Dr.M.M. Dunda Limboto. Supervised by SABIRIN B. SYUKUR as chairman and ABDUL WAHAB PAKAYA as members. Spiritual needs are basic needs needed by every human being. The fulfillment of good spiritual needs can improve the quality of life of a person, including the patient. The need for spiritual aspects is very important and is needed, especially during times of illness, because when one is sick, one's energy will decrease and one's spirit will be affected. The objective of research was to describe the level of patient knowledge about the fulfillment of spiritual needs in the inpatient room at RSUD Dr.M.M. Dunda Limboto. The research design is descriptive analysis, the research population is patients who are in RSUD Dr.M.M. Dunda Limboto totaled 345 people, a sample of 50 patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria with purposive sampling technique. The results obtained the level of patient knowledge about fulfilling the spiritual needs of patients in the inpatient room of Dr.M.M. Hospital. Dunda, namely the level of knowledge is less as many as 2 respondents (4%), the level of knowledge is sufficient as many as 23 respondents (46%) and the level of knowledge is good as many as 25 respondents (50%). The conclusion is that many respondents have fulfilled their spiritual needs, both relationships with God, relationships with themselves, relationships with other people and relationships with the environment. Thus, it can facilitate the spiritual needs of patients by providing spiritual services for patients so that not only physical needs are met, but also the spiritual needs of patients and provide training on nursing actions in spiritual aspects to nurses in inpatient rooms.} }