@thesis{thesis, author={Mohune Heni Rahayu Ningsi}, title ={OPTIMALISASI PELAYANAN PASIEN RAWAT JALAN DI LABORATORIUM RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH dr. M. M DUNDA LIMBOTO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1823/}, abstract={This research aims to find out how outpatient services are provided at Regional GeneralHospital of Dr. M. M. Dunda Limboto. The research method uses a qualitative approachwith descriptive research type. The results showed that related to the optimization ofoutpatient services in the Regional General Hospital Laboratory of Dr. M. M DundaLimboto in general has not run well. This can be seen in the process indicators wherethe problems were found as a result of the observations made, namely regarding theabsence of clear procedures which is could be seen by the patient/patient's family andthe existence of poor communication either between fellow employees or betweenemployees and patients or patient?s families. For other indicators, namely output hasgone quite well. This is caused by indicator errors occur in the form of exchangingspecimens between patients and this is can have an impact on services considered lessprofessional. Furthermore, for the outcome indicator, it was found the indicator hadworked well.} }