@thesis{thesis, author={Pakaya Mimin}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM APLIKASI KEUANGAN TINGKAT INSTANSI (SAKTI) UNTUK KEWAJARAN PELAPORAN KEUANGAN PADA KANTOR WILAYAH DIREKTORAT JENDERAL PERBENDAHARAAN PROVINSI GORONTALO}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/1947/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the institutional level of financial application systemimplementation in the financial management process at the regional office of thetreasury directorate general of Gorontalo province. This research uses a qualitativedescriptive research method using observation and interview techniques. Checkingthe validity of the data uses triangulation with the source. The results showed of the5 indicators used to measure the success of information system implementation forfair financial reporting, 3 indicators showed that the results are not optimal.} }