@thesis{thesis, author={Wartabone Yulian Danial}, title ={ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN PADA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA) TERPADU WIRA BHAKTI GORONTALO}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/2529/}, abstract={This study aims to determine and analyze Financial Management in Integrated HighSchool (SMA) Wira Bhakti Gorontalo. This research uses a qualitative researchapproach with a descriptive type of research. Data collection is done by observation,interviews and documentation. The results of the study concluded that the schoolfinancial management at SMA Wira Bhakti Gorontalo has been well managed. Theresults showed that in general, the budget planning process has been carried out well,involving various related parties such as foundations, school committees, and otherstakeholders. However, there are still challenges in managing school finances,especially related to the compatibility between income and expenditure as well as budgetsupervision that is not optimal. The strategy to find sources of funds has involved variousparties such as parents, the government, and banking institutions, but there are stillproblems such as arrears in tuition payments that affect school income. The use ofschool finances has been intended for various school operations and constructionactivities, but there needs to be an improvement in the supervision and evaluation ofschool finances, especially by involving independent auditors to ensure transparencyand accountability. In terms of income and expenditure accountability, the school hasprovided written reports to the relevant parties, but still needs further improvement,especially in ensuring timely and accurate reports to all parties involved.} }