@thesis{thesis, author={karim irmawaty}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PADA MATA PELAJARAN PKN SISWA KELAS 5.2 DI MI MUHAMMADIYAH UNGGULAN KOTA GORONTALO}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/263/}, abstract={Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve Learning Achievement in PKN Subjects for Grade 5.2 Students at MI Muhammadiyah Unggulan, Gorontalo City" Advisor 1 isABD. HAMID ISA and advisor 2 isFANDI H. BINGGO.. The objective of this research is to improve student achievement in PKN subjects by using the Problem Based Learning model. The method used was classroom action research with research subjects namely grade 5.2 students totaling 28 students with a total of 8 male students and 28 female students. This research was conducted in the form of cycles, cycle I had 3 meetings and cycle II had 1 meeting. This research shows that student achievement in PKN subjects is still relatively low.This research showed that student achievement was still low at the time of initial observation, with a percentage level of 32% of the 28 students having complete learning achievement and 67% not completing. Therefore, researchers took action using the Problem Based Learning learning model. In cycle I, student learning outcomes reached 57% of students who completed and the other 43% did not complete.In cycle II, the results of student learning achievement reached 89% which were completed and the other 11% were incomplete. Based on research conducted in cycle I and cycle II, it can be seen that using the Problem Based Learning learning model can improve student achievement in PKN subjects in class 5.2 MI Muhammadiyah Unggulan, Gorontalo City. This is seen from the increase in student achievement from 32% to 89%. Keywords: Learning Achievement, Problem Based Learning, PKN Learning} }