@thesis{thesis, author={Kohongia Shinta Nuria}, title ={HUBUNGAN PARITAS DENGAN LAMA PERSALINAN KALA II DI RUANG BERSALIN RSUD Dr. M.M DUNDA LIMBOTO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/278/}, abstract={Hypertension is an abnormally high pressure in the arteries exceeding 140/90 mmHg. This research aims to stabilize or reduce blood pressure. The equivalent control group design research uses a quantitative experimental method. Total sampling technique is used with the number of samples is 34. Soaking feet in warm water with a mixture of salt has a physiological effect on the heart and the hydrostatic pressure of water on the body encourages blood flow from the feet to the chest cavity and blood will accumulate in the large blood vessels of the heart. The result showed that there was an effect of warm water foot soaks with a mixture of salt on reducing blood pressure in hypertension and there were differences in blood pressure before and after in the intervention and control groups. There is an effect of warm water foot soaking with a mixture of salt on reducing blood pressure in hypertensive patients in Dunggala Village, Batudaa District. It obtained a significant value or p-value <0.05, meaning that there was a difference in blood pressure before and after the intervention and control groups. It is hoped that the public can make this therapy an alternative to lowering blood pressure in hypertension.} }