@thesis{thesis, author={Giasi Fathan}, title ={MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SCRAMBLE BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF DI KELAS V SDN 06 BUNTULIA KABUPATEN POHUWATO}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/382/}, abstract={The problem of research is whether through the interactive multimedia-based scramble learning model can improve the learning outcomes of students in class V SDN 06 Buntulia, Pohuwato Regency. The research aims to improve student learning outcomes in science learning through an interactive multimedia-based scramble learning model. This type of research is classroom action research. In the initial observation of 20 students who completed 8 students 40%. After the first cycle of action from 20 students who completed it increased to 14 students 70% and those who had not completed there were 6 students or 30%. And the implementation of cycle II which was completed increased to 18 students 90% of the 20 students and those who did not complete were 2 people 10%. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded, through the interactive multimedia-based scramble learning model it can improve student learning outcomes in science learning in Class V SDN 06 Buntulia, Pohuwato Regency.} }