@thesis{thesis, author={Suronoto Zulkarnain}, title ={ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI TINGKAT PRODUKSI PADI DI DESA PARIS KECAMATAN MOOTILANGO KABUPATEN GORONTALO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/529/}, abstract={This research aims to determine and analyze whether: 1) land area has a partial and significant effect on rice production, 2) Fertilizer (urea) has a partial and significant effect on rice production, 3) Seedlings have a partial and significant effect on rice production, 4) Pesticides have a partial and significant effect on rice production, and 5) Land area, fertilizer (urea), seeds and pesticides have a simultaneous and significant effect on rice production in Paris Village, Mootilango District. The research method used is a type of research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The results obtained were: 1) The rice production of farmers in Paris Village, Mootilango District, Gorontalo Regency was 74.80 percent influenced by the land area factor (X1), Urea factor (X2), Seed factor (X3) and Pesticide factor (X4), 2 ) Partially, the land area factor, the seed factor (X3), has a positive and significant effect on the amount of rice production produced by farmers in Paris Village, Mootilango District, Gorontalo Regency. While the land area factor (X1), Urea factor (X2), and Pesticide factor (X4) did not have a positive and significant effect on the amount of rice production produced by farmers in Paris Village, Mootilango District, Gorontalo Regency, and 3) Simultaneously the land area factor (X1), the Urea factor (X2), the seed factor (X3) and the Pesticide factor (X4) have a positive and significant effect on the amount of rice production produced by farmers in Paris Village, Mootilango District, Gorontalo Regency.} }