@thesis{thesis, author={Yakub Silvana}, title ={PENGARUH PENDEKATAN SPIRITUAL TERHADAP PENURUNAN PERILAKU KEKERASAN PASIEN SKIZOFRENIA DI PUSKESMAS KOTA SELATAN.}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/553/}, abstract={Most of schizophrenic patients experience violent behavior, violent behavior is a condition of being unable to control behavior shown by oneself, others or the surrounding environment. Violent behavior can have effects such as psychological disorders, feeling insecure, and so on. If not handled properly, there will be a risk of suicide. Handling the violent behavior of schizophrenic patients includes a spiritual approach, one of which is praying org dzikir, dzikir therapy can be done independently or with the help of others. The purpose of research was to determine the effect of a spiritual approach on reducing violent Zaitun Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan behavior in schizophrenic patients at Kota Selatan Health Center. Quantitative research design with a population of 56 patients, a sample of 13 patients and using a purposive sampling technique. The results of the paired T-test showed that the average value of spiritual approach before the dhikr therapy was 7.62 with an SD value of 4,822, while after the dhikr therapy the average value was 6.08 with an SD value of 4,030. Thus in this research there was a decrease in the violent behavior of schizophrenic patients after a spiritual approach, from the value before giving dhikr therapy 7.62% to 6.08% after giving dhikr therapy. With a p-value = 0.042 <0.05, it can be concluded there is a significant influence between the spiritual approach on reducing violent behavior in schizophrenic patients at the Kota Selatan Health Center.} }