@thesis{thesis, author={Maku Anjeli Febriliani Putri}, title ={GAMBARAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN MASYARAKAT PASCA BENCANA BANJIR DI DESA TULOA KECAMATAN BULANGO UTARA KABUPATEN BONE BOLANGO PROVINSI GORONTALO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/565/}, abstract={Disaster is a series of events that threaten and disrupt people?s lives and livelihoods caused by natural, non-natural and human factors. In addition to physical impacts, disastars can have an impact on mental health in the form of stress, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The objective of research is to describe the community anxiety level after the flood disaster. This research uses a quantitative desriptive method. The sample of this research is 55 people using non-probability sampling technique. The results indicated the community anxiety level after the flood disaster is dominant in the very severe anxiety category. This research was concluded the description of the anxiety level of the Tuloa village community with a very severe level of anxiety was due to the lack of community knowledge regarding disasters. Keywords : Flood Disaster, Anxiety} }