@thesis{thesis, author={Massa Desyi Anggriani}, title ={HUBUNGAN AKTIFITAS FISIK DENGAN RESIKO JATUH PADA LANSIA DI DESA TOLOTIO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/575/}, abstract={The limited regenerative abilities of the elderly make them more susceptible to various diseases. One of them is the impact on the balance of the elderly in controlling body movements, when this ability worsens due to disease or the normal aging process, the risk of falling in the elderly will increase, this occurs due to a decrease in physical activity. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between physical activity and the risk of falling in the elderly in Tolotio Village. This type of research is an analytical survey research with a cross sectional study approach, the elderly population is 258 elderly, the number of samples is 67 people using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that respondents with good physical activity had a low risk of falling as many as 43 respondents (64.2%), but there were 2 respondents (3%) who had a high risk of falling, respondents whose physical activity was less, but had a low risk of falling as many as 4 respondents (6%), and respondents with less physical activity there are 18 respondents (26.9%) who have a high risk of falling, the results of statistical tests obtained p-value 0.000 <0.05) meaning that there is a relationship between physical activity and the risk of falling in the elderly in Tolotio Village. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between physical activity and the risk of falling in the elderly in Tolotio Village. So, people, especially the elderly, are expected to always carry out physical activities according to the abilities of the elderly, such as walking every morning in order to prevent falls.} }