@thesis{thesis, author={Habu Izrak}, title ={PENGARUH PEMBERIAN JUS APEL HIJAU (GRANNY SMITH) TERHADAP KADAR KOLESTEROL DARAH PADA LANJUT USIA DENGAN HIPERKOLESTEROL DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS KABUPATEN GORONTALO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umgo.ac.id/84/}, abstract={Cholesterol is a fat or lipid compound in the blood where high cholesterol levels can cause deposits in blood vessels. Cholesterol can stick to the walls of blood vessels, which can cause blockages in the blood vessels so that patients are at risk of heart disease and stroke. The objective of research was to determine the effect of green apple juice (Granny Smith) on cholesterol levels. The research method uses Pre-Experimental with One Group Pretest and Posttest approaches. The samples, namely the elderly (elderly) obtained 15 respondents using the Quota Sampling technique. The results showed the difference in the average value of cholesterol levels before was 256.93 mg/dl, while after being 229.33 mg/dl, the results of the Paired T Test analysis obtained a P-Value = 0.000 with a value of <0.05. There is an effect because the green apple (Granny Smith) contains pectin which serves to limit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. It is hoped that puskesmas officers will socialize about the importance of consuming green apple juice (Granny Smith) to lower blood cholesterol levels} }