@thesis{thesis, author={Al Ilham Akbar Johamran.P Andi Muhammad}, title ={Efektivitas Pengelolaan Data Fisik Dan Data Yuridis Menurut Pp. No. 24 Tahun 1997 Tentang Pendaftaran Tanah}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umi.ac.id/2616/}, abstract={ANDI MUHAMMAD AL ILHAM AKBAR JOHAMRAN P. ?The Effectiveness of Physical Data Processing and Juridical Data According to PP. No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration'' (Supervised by Sufirman Rahman and Ilham Abbas) This study aims to ensure legal certainty through the processing of physical data and juridical data in the bookkeeping of land rights registrations, and to implement, in a tangible and accountable manner, the certainty of administration and presentation of information on land rights registration effectively and efficiently. The research methodology employed is empirical, using a legislative regulatory approach and a case study examination to evaluate the effectiveness of physical data processing and juridical data in the bookkeeping of land rights according to Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 1997 concerning land registration at the Maros District Land Office. The types and sources of law suspected to utilize primary and secondary legal reviews. The study findings indicate that the land registration procedures, specifically outlined in PP No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration, aimed at enhancing premium land services to the community, underscores the need for the continuous improvement and refinement of the legal structure related to human resources of the National Land Agency (BPN RI), particularly in the Maros District Land office. To that end, it is recommended to continuously and sustainably enhance and perfect technical land training, thus realizing the "Effectiveness of Physical Data Processing and Juridical Data of Land Registration According to PP. No. 24 of 1997 About Land Registration", through more concrete recommendation steps. The implementation of the management of physical data and juridical data in the land rights registration to prevent the emergence of State Administrative Disputes in the Maros District Land Office through the management of physical data and juridical data in the bookkeeping of land rights, as well as implementing in a tangible and accountable manner the certainty of administration and the presentation of information on land rights registration is necessary. In order to realize the effectiveness of managing physical data and juridical data according to PP. No. 24 of 1997 on land registration at the Maros District Land Office to prevent the emergence of state administrative disputes, it is essential to build in a comprehensive and synergistic manner, the substance of law, legal structure, and legal culture} }