@thesis{thesis, author={Ahmad Aktsar Roskiana and KHOLILULLAH VATHIMAH ZAHRA and Malik Abd.}, title ={PENETAPAN KADAR FENOLIK DAN FLAVONOID TOTAL EKSTRAK BIJI MARKISA DENGAN VARIASI PELARUT}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.umi.ac.id/6578/}, abstract={VATHIMAH ZAHRA KHOLILULLAH. Penetapan Kadar Fenolik dan Flavonoid Total Ekstrak Biji Markisa dengan Variasi Pelarut (Dibimbing oleh Aktsar Roskiana Ahmad dan Abd. Malik). Pada penelitian kali ini untuk mengetahui kadar fenolik dan flavonoid total dari sampel berupa biji markisa dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis pelarut. Adapun variasi pelarut yang digunakan ialah aseton, etil asetat, kloroform, metanol dan n-heksan. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwasannya fenolik berfungsi untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap stress oksidatif dan penyakit degeneratif secara signifikan dan flavonoid berfungsi untuk melindungi struktur sel, meningkatkan efektivitas vitamin C, antiinflamasi, mencegah keropos tulang. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara eksperimental yang bertempat di laboratorium Farmakognosi-Fitokimia Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar fenolik total tertinggi adalah ekstrak aseton biji markisa (Passiflora sp.) yaitu sebanyak 0,1938 g GAE/g ekstrak kering dan kadar rata-rata fenolik terendah adalah ekstrak etil asetat biji markisa yaitu sebanyak 0,0079 g GAE/g ekstrak kering. Sedangkan untuk kadar flavonoid total tertinggi adalah ekstrak etil asetat biji markisa (Passiflora sp.) yaitu sebanyak 0,035 g RE/g ekstrak kering dan kadar rata-rata flavonoid terendah adalah ekstrak n-heksan biji markisa yaitu sebanyak 0,0049 g RE/g ekstrak kering. Kata kunci : Markisa, Penetapan Kadar, Fenolik, Flavonoid ABSTRACT VATHIMAH ZAHRA KHOLILULLAH. Determination of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Levels of Passion Fruit Seed Extract with Solvent Variations (Supervised by Aktsar Roskiana Ahmad and Abd. Malik). In this study to determine the total phenolic and flavonoid levels of the sample in the form of passion fruit seeds using various types of solvents. The solvent variations used are acetone, ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol and n-hexane. As we know that phenolics function to provide protection against oxidative stress and degenerative diseases significantly and flavonoids function to protect cell structure, increase the effectiveness of vitamin C, anti-inflammatory, prevent bone loss. This research was conducted experimentally at the Pharmacognosy-Phytochemistry laboratory of Universitas Muslim Indonesia. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the highest total phenolic content is acetone extract of passion fruit seeds (Passiflora sp.) which is as much as 0.1938 g GAE/g dry extract and the lowest average phenolic content is ethyl acetate extract of passion fruit seeds which is as much as 0.0079 g GAE/g dry extract. As for the highest total flavonoid content is ethyl acetate extract of passion fruit seeds (Passiflora sp.) which is as much as 0.035 g RE/g dry extract and the lowest average flavonoid content is n-hexane extract of passion fruit seeds which is as much as 0.0049 g RE/g dry extract. Keywords : Passion fruit, Level Determination, Phenolic, Flavonoid} }