@thesis{thesis, author={INRIANI TRI FITRI}, title ={PENATALAKSANAAN PEMBIDAIAN DAN RELAKSASI NAFAS DALAM TERHADAP PENURUNAN NYERI PADA PASIEN FRAKTUR FEMUR TERTUTUP DI RUANG IGD RUMAH SAKIT SYEKH YUSUF KABUPATEN GOWA}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.umi.ac.id/6804/}, abstract={Background: Fracture is a condition in which the bone structure is broken or damaged due to external pressure that exceeds the bone's resistance. One of the actions that can be given is splinting or deep breathing relaxation aimed at reducing pain complaints. splinting management is a first aid procedure for injuries or trauma to the musculoskeletal system. The purpose of this study was to apply splinting and deep breathing relaxation management to pain complaints in femoral fracture patients. Results: after the implementation of nursing, there was a decrease in pain marked by decreased pain complaints, a pain scale decreased to 4, decreased grimacing, improved pulse, and improved blood pressure. Conclusion: after being given nursing care starting from assessment, diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation, it was found that the application of splinting and deep breathing relaxation management can help patients reduce pain sensations.} }