@thesis{thesis, author={Nawas Feby}, title ={LAYANAN KONSELING INDIVIDU PADA PENINGKATAN KEPERCAYAAN DIRI SISWA}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/1131/}, abstract={This type of research in writing this thesis is a qualitative research using the phenomenological method. This data collection technique uses data collection tools, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis from the results of this study was carried out based on descriptive analysis, the analysis consisted of three lines of analysis, namely data reduction, categorization, and synthesis. The objectives of this study were: (1) To describe the self-confidence of SMP N 1 Lamasi students, (2) To determine the factors causing self-confidence, (3) To find out how the implementation of individual counseling services (3) To determine the impact the use of individual counseling services. Individual counseling services are important to be implemented in schools because they are in accordance with the various needs of students themselves, such as to increase student self-confidence. In accordance with the goals of individual counseling services, namely alleviating student problems, improving student abilities and developing student potentials then delivering students to achieve learning success. Keywords: Individual counseling services, self-confidence} }