@thesis{thesis, author={ISLAMUDDIN HIDAYATULLAH}, title ={Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Teknik Dasar Chest Pass Bola Basket Melalui Metode Berpasangan Pada Siswa Kelas Viii Smp Negeri Satap Dampan}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/1143/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the improvement of students ability, the problem in this study is the students ability in Basketball chest pass basic technique are still in the low category. The purpose of this study is to determine whether applying the pairing method can improve the ability of Basketball chest pass basic technique for the junior high school students. The approach used in this study qualitative approach with the type of class action research (CAR). The focus of this research is improving students' Basketball chest pass basic technique skills. The focus of this research is improving students' Basketball chest pass basic technique. The subject is the eighth grade students of Satap Dampan Junior High School, 24 students. Data collection techniques are observations, documentation and tests. The data analysis technique used on this research is qualitative data analysis. The results of the study in cycle I shows that the indicator of completion has not been achieved with a 54% percentage. In cycle II the the percentage of students who reach the completion is 96%. The conclusion of this study is that there has been an improvement in physical education subjects by applying pairing method Keywords : Pairing Method, Basketball, Chest Pass} }