@thesis{thesis, author={MUTMAINNA MUTMAINNA}, title ={PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI, KOMPENSASI, DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PT JAS MULIA PALM IOL MILL DI LUWU UTARA}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/3614/}, abstract={The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of organizational culture, compensation and work discipline on the performance of employees at PT Jas Mulia Palm Oil Mill in North Luwu. The population of this study is all employees at PT Jas Mulia Palm Oil Mill totaling 105 people. The sample technique used was purposive sampling by setting the sample criteria as a minimum education level of high school/equivalent and having worked for at least a year. The total sample that met the criteria is 79 people. Data collected was collected using a questionnaire measured by a Likert scale. The data analysis techniques used ware validity tests, reliability tests, regression tests, coefficient of determination tests, t tests, and F tests. The analytical tools used were SPSS statistical data processing applications version 29.0. The results showed that partially Organizational Culture variable and Work Discipline variable has a significant effect on Employee Performance variable. On the other site, the Compensation variable has no effect on the Employee Performance variable. Simultaneously the Variables of Organizational Culture, Compensation, and Work Discipline have an influence on Employee Performance variables. Based on the coefficient of determination Organizational Culture, Compensation, and Work Discipline have 38% influence on the Employee Performance variable while the remaining 62% is influenced by other variables. Keywords : Organizational Culture, Compensati on, Work Discipline, Employee Performance} }