@thesis{thesis, author={M. Juasdi M. Juasdi}, title ={PENERAPAN BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK MENCEGAH BULLYING PADA PESERTA DIDIK KELAS VIII DI MTS BATUSITANDUK KABUPATEN LUWU}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/3729/}, abstract={M. Juasdi. 2021. ?Application of Group Guidance to Prevent Bullying in Class VIII Students at MtsBatusitanduk, Luwu Regency?.The problem in this study is related to the causes of bullying behavior, as well as the effectiveness of the application of Group Guidance in preventing bullying in class VIII MTs Batusitanduk students who are still very inefficient. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the application of group guidance in preventing bullying in class VIII students of MTs Batusitanduk.The indicator in this study is the prevention of bullying behavior in class VIII students at MTs Batusitanduk. This is based on research that the initial state of students is bullying behavior which can be seen from the behavior of mocking friends, scaring and even hitting. So group guidance activities are carried out to direct students to think positively, start learning to control themselves and direct themselves well.Based on a descriptive analysis of the application of group guidance to prevent bullying behavior, the average results obtained before being given treatment where students lack self-control in bullying behavior towards their friends and mentally students who are victims of bullying become insecure. However, after receiving treatment in the form of group guidance to prevent bullying, the average student experienced an increase where the bullies no longer bullied their friends and the victims of bullying became confident in getting along with their friends. Keywords:Group Guidance, Bullying Prevention} }